Perfect Guidance for Entrepreneurs, Employers & Laborers.

Get mandatory training for visa processing, medical tests, and business setup.


Providing training to new employees in selected professions in the UAE.

Employers or business owners

The guidance on the responsibilities and rights of employers and employees before engaging in any sort of professional contract.

Representatives and laborers

Professionals applying for new employment residence permits and awareness sessions as per the labor regulations in the country.

What are the New Requirements for Training Employees?

New Employee training has now become mandatory in select professions for employees in the UAE. The applicants who are in specific professions and applying for a new employment residence permit have to compulsorily attend awareness sessions, as per the labor regulations in the UAE. It is mandatory to get their labor contracts approved by MoHRE. Sahel Jumairah will help you with the above in the most fast and hassle-free manner

Who are eligible for Tawjeeh?

The training sessions by Tawjeeh are catered to workers who fall under Skill level or category 3, 4 and 5. As per the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation – MoHRE, skill levels are based on academic qualifications, experience, and complexity of work.

What is Tawjeeh’s orientation?

Tawjeeh’s orientation is an awareness training involving a 1.5-hour classroom session with an informative video on UAE employment regulations, displayed in 16 different languages. Upon completing the training, attendees will be issued their labour contract.

How long is Tawjeeh training?

The time required for Tawjeeh training section has been reduced to 25 minutes. However it depends on skill levels and employee qualification.

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